The Scottish Terrier Seminar


[Home] [Size, Proportion, Substance] [Head] [Body and Neck] [Fore and Hindquarters] [Coat] [Gait]

A. E. F. Friendship's Offerings, 1927.

Ash, E. C.   The Scottish Terrier, 1936.
Dogs: Their History and Development, 2 vol., 1927

Ashmore, Marion. Lost, Stolen or Strayed, 1931.

Barrie, Caswell.  "The New Scottish Terrier Standard," American Kennel Gazette, (March 1925): 20-22, 151.

Barton, F. T. Terriers: Their Points and Management, 1907.

Bruette, Willliam. The Scottish Terrier, 1934.

Buckley, Holland. The Scottish Terrier, 1918.

Caspersz, D. S. The Scottish Terrier Pedigrees, with supplements, 1930, 1934, 1951, 1962.
  "What the Scottie Will Become," American Kennel Gazette, (July 1931): 25-27, 119.
The Scottish Terrier, 1938.
The Scottish Terrier, (Foyles), 1958.
The Popular Scottish Terrier, 1956, 1962. Revised by Elizabeth Meyer, 1976.

Collins, Sewell. The Rubaiyat of a Scottish Terrier, 1897.

Cooke, Cindy. The New Scottish Terrier, 1996.

Dalziel, Hugh. "The Scotch Terrier," in British Dogs, 2nd ed., 1897

Davies, C. J. The Scottish Terrier, 1906.

De la Roche, Mazo. Portrait of a Dog, 1930.

Deu, Edna, et al.  "Stars in the Doghouse, (Deephaven Kennels)," Country Life in America, (April 1939): 55, 109-110.

Drury, W. D. British Dogs, ch. 39,1903.

Elliot, K. (Della). Notes on the Standard of the Scottish Terrier, 1976. A comparative analysis as viewed in books on the breed by Caspersz, Kirk, and Marvin. Published in New South Wales.

Ewing, Dr. Fayette. The Book of the Scottish Terrier, 1932, and subsequent editions.

Gabriel, Dorothy. The Scottish Terrier, 1928, 1936.

Gilkey, Ann. Grooming and Conditioning the Scottie, Terrier Type, February-July 1963.

Gray, D. J. Thompson. The Dogs of Scotland, 1887 and 1893 (Whinstone).

Green, James E. The Scottish Terrier and the Irish Terrier, 1894.

Haynes, William Sr. Scottish and Irish Terriers, 1912,1925. The Scottish Terrier, 1915.

Hutchinson, Walter. Hutchinson's Popular and Illustrated Dog Encyclopedia, 1939.

Jesse, G. R. Researches into the History of the British Dogs, 1866.

Johns, Rowland. Our Friend the Scottish Terrier, 1932.

Jones, A. F. American Kennel Gazette. "Ballantrae's Reasons for Success," (March 1927): 13-17, 71;
"Hillwood Turns to the Scottie," (February 1932): 9-13;
"Bred by Science and Humanity" (Sporran Kennels), (July 1932): 7-11, 124;
"Vigal is Building Slowly," (December 1932): 24-28, 157;
"A Kennel without a Fault (Relgalf Kennels)," (July 1934): 7-11, 173;
"Why Bricht's Aim is to Breed Scotties of the Highest Quality," (February 1936): 12-15, 99;
"Championship, The Standard for Scotties of Miss Hull," (March 1936): 11-14, 79;
"Raising Scotties That Win Is the Greatest Enjoyment to Owners of Barberry Knowe," (July 1936): 13-16, 153,
 "Scotties Started Relgalf on the Way to Fame," (August 1938): 27-31.
Kipling, Rudyard. The Supplication of Black Aberdeen, 1931.
Thy Servant A Dog, 1930.
His Apologies, 1927.
Kirk, T. Allen. American Scottish Terrier Champions' Pedigrees, 1962.
 This Is The Scottish Terrier, 1966.

Kirmse, M. A Derrydale Press book of etchings, mostly Scots, 1930.

Lee, Muriel. The Official Book of the Scottish Terrier, 1994.

Lee, Rawdon. Modern Dogs (Terriers), 1903.

Leighton, Robert. The New Book of the Dog, 1907.

L 'Hommedieu, Dorothy K. MacGregor, 1941.

Lucas, E. V. If Dogs Could Write, 1929.

Marvin, John T. The Book of All Terriers, 1964, includes breed chapter.
The New Complete Scottish Terrier, 1982.

Mason, Charles H. Our Prize Dogs, 1888.

Matheson, Darley. Terriers, 1962, includes breed chapter.

Maxtee, J. British Terriers, 1909; Scotch and Irish Terriers, 1909, 1923.

McCandlish, W. L. Chapter on the breed in Dogs by Well Known Authorities, 1906;
The Scottish Terrier,1909.
Megargee, Edwin S. "The Ideal Scottish Terrier, " The American Kennel Gazette, (January 1933): 17-20, 136.
Penn-Bull, Betty. Scottish Terrier Coats, Re-trimming the breed, ;
The Kennelgarth Scottish Terrier Book, 1983.

Poultney, C. B. Mr. Roddie Dhu, 1935 (and sequels).

Robertson, James. Historical Sketches of the Scottish Terrier, 1899.

Scottish Terrier Breeders' and Exhibitors' Association Yearbooks (published annually).

Scottish Terrier Club of America Yearbooks, 1923, 1932, 1948, 1952 (supplement), 1959,1961,1965,1972,1986,1991.

Scottish Terrier Club of England Yearbooks (published annually).

Sheilds, G. O. The American Book of the Dog, 1891. Includes a chapter on the breed by John H. Naylor.
Smith, Croxton. Terriers, Their Training, Working and Management, 1937. Includes chapters on the breed by McCandlish.

Stables, Dr. Gordon. Our Friend the Dog, 1883.

Suckley, M. and A. Dalgliesh. The True Story of Fala, 1942.

Van De Water, Frederick F. Members of the Family, 1942.

Van Dine, S. S. "Crashing the Dog Breeding Gate," American Kennel Gazette, (December 30): 29-32, 166.
The Kennel Murder Case, 1932.
Watson, James. The Dog Book, 1906, 2 vol. Includes much early information on the breed in America.

Youatt, William. The Dog, 1846.